Mohsen’s corner of the Web

Google App Engine PHP Development

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Me and a few friends are working on a new idea named vphone The website is developed using wordpress, and we are trying to run it on Google App Engine. Google App Engine uses PHP 5.5, which is pretty old. It looks like they want to drop PHP, or maybe they want to drop the whole App Engine in favor of Flexible Environments. But, I’m pretty accustomed to App Engine, and App Engine still costs less.

The Problem

To prepare a development environment in Ubuntu, Google suggests to install PHP 5 but Ubuntu 16.04 has dropped support for PHP 5. Getting PHP 5.5 from other PPAs is possible, but still going through all the details to have an easy development setup is a pain.

The Solution

I created a docker image that contains all you need to run your Google App Engine PHP apps locally. Here you can find the repository: